
Saturday, January 29, 2005



saturday. a day to reflect.

i had a rough week at work, but over all i am feeling pretty good with my return. i had a meeting with my boss yesterday to review my goals. i think it went pretty well. we are going to try to get me reclassified to a higher position. i was pretty amazed she was willing to listen since i had missed so much work. hopefully that will work out. i would be getting at least a $5,000 raise which will be extremely helpful.

family issues are worrying me. my husband and my father aren't on the best terms right now. i am in the middle and it is hard. i support my husband, but i also can see where my dad is coming from. right i don't feel very comfortable around my parents. i email my sisters daily, but even they are a little standoffish. it is rough because i am not a part of the disagreement. it has nothing to do with me, but i feel like i am being punished. i just pray that they can work things out.

regardless of work and home issues, i am feeling really blessed right now. everyday provides me with a new opportunity to worship God and i am thankful. i know that he is always there for me. right now i would be lost if i didn't have him to rely on. surprisingly i am happy regardless of the situations around me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

it has been difficult this week to get access to the internet. we purchased a new cable modem on sunday and attempted to set it up. After 5 hours of various calls to our isp and to gateway we came to the conclusion that we would have to set up our old modem and return the new one. well once we hooked up the old modem we discovered that our isp had just started experiencing massive outages so once again no internet access. thankfully i was able to get on tonight! :) i have missed writing here even when it is only a few words. i also miss reading my fave blogs.

work has been interesting. i have been enjoying my time at work while my boss has been on vacation, but now i am starting to be put in a position to cover for her when i don't really have the knowledge to do so. fortunately i was able to bluff my way through. i hope this will help me in my goal of a promotion. :)

anyways, my week has been pretty good (even with the internet withdrawals). I am ready for the weekend though.

Monday, January 24, 2005


unconscius mutterings - week 103

I say ... and you think ... ?

Material world:: money
Satin sheets:: sexy
Blizzard: frozen
Real estate:: overpriced houses
Dress up:: church
Wesley:: lesley
Robber:: crook
Saliva:: spit
Slave:: program assistant
Shift:: reality

i love to answer the every week. once i complete my answers i check out other peoples. my answers tend to be completely different from most people.

let me know if you enjoy reading and participating in unconscious mutterings or if it annoys you to see this type of entry.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


goddess material

i am a domestic goddess.

the joy of doing laundry, cooking and washing dishes screams goddess.

i am overwhelmed with my power.

i have spent the whole day just reveling in my goddessness (?)!

I am wonderful.

Thursday, January 20, 2005



brr...i am so cold.


can't move

um...just checked the weather and it is 40 degrees here in northern cali.

how can it get so cold?

people surely can't survive anything under 40 degrees!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005



Today my daily devotional dealt with praying for those who you would consider your "enemy" or just someone you have difficulty getting along with. I chose to pray for my sister's guy (mentioned in previous posts). Oh it is hard to pray for someone who you have such hard feelings toward. Once I started though it was amazing how quickly my attitude changed. It is hard to be mad at someone and pray that the Lord works in their life at the same time. It was such a powerful feeling to really start praying for this person. To ask that God strengthen and encourage them encouraged me. I truly want God to work in my sisters life and in his life. I can't control the outcome nor do I know what God has planned. I am only responsible for my attitude and my actions. I will no longer get caught up in negativity. My emotions will not rule me!

While I was driving to work I was listening to "Focus on the Family." Today they played a portion of a talk by Joni Eareckson Tada. Joni was paralyzed as a teen and has spent over 30 yrs in a wheelchair as a quadriplegic. Her story is inspiring to me. She spoke of just after the accident had happened she knew that God was going to heal her. She attended a faith healing meeting held in a large auditorium. She knew that God would heal her at that meeting. As the evening progressed it became evident that God was not going to heal her. She went home not understanding what was going on. How could God pass her up while healing those around her. Over time she came to realize that if she had not been paralyzed, if God had healed her, then she would not be able to minister to others in the capacity that she is now. God never said that to work for him you needed to be 100% physically healthy. Sometimes our disabilities are what help us in our ministry.

While I was listening, I realized how caught up I can get with my migraines. If you read very far in this blog you will see how badly I deal with this. Joni's story inspired me to stop dwelling on my illness and start reaching out to others. Maybe God will heal me and maybe not. Maybe this illness will help me reach out to otherx, and again maybe not. The point is to serve God wholeheartedly. To not get caught up in our physical conditons. To serve God no matter what we may go through.

Focus on the Family website

Monday, January 17, 2005


money, money, money

managing money has never been easy for me. my husband and i have attempted budgets before, but we have never succeeded. i decided that we could do better so i went to Crown Financial Ministries. They have some great tools for setting up budgets and working on conquering debt.
I set up our budget and reviewed it with my husband. we are both really excited because it is the first budget that we feel that we can actually follow. Everything is accounted for and that is extremely helpful. i highly recommend visiting their website. i will come you updated on our progress.

Saturday, January 15, 2005


unconscius mutterings - week 102

I say ... and you think ... ?

Yoda:: Star Wars
Mensa:: What??
Pink:: muddy boots
Text message:: loser
Galactic:: space
Chicks:: fowl
Quesadilla:: cheese
Backpack:: home away from home
Socked:: punched
Compromise:: sisters


rough day

today was a day for cleaning the house. but i had my arm twisted so off i went to the video store. i spent most of the afternoon watching harry potter prisoner of azcaban. now i am going to watch return to me with minnie driver.

rough day relaxing. just can't handle many of these days.



i try not to beg to much, but today i am indulging myself. sorry! :)

i joined the crowd over at . Just click on the banner to sign up.

I almost have my free ipod. I just need one more person to sign up. Just click here to sign up.

thanks all.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


advice needed

I need advice.

How do you reach someone who is being manipulated by another person?

Case in point. My sister is 23 yrs. old. She lives at home with my parents and middle sister. She has a good job, but doesn't have her drivers license. She is involved with a man who is 50 yrs old. He has a 30 yr old son. He has a two teenage boys who still live at home (13 and 14 yrs old). This man was a friend of the family. Yet they snuck around and would not tell anyone they were together. When they were found out and were questioned, the man immediately assumed my sister had told everyone and he started attacking her character. He called her a slut. Without talking to anyone in the family he made up lies about myself, my mother, father, middle sister, my grandfather, and my husband. He called us all kind of crazy names and made up stories about the stuff we were supposed to be involved in. He then went to everyone in our church and told them these lies. The people in our church didn't believe him, but still were questioning why he was saying these things.

Well, my sister supposedly broke it off, but now I just found out they are still seeing each other. They still haven't told anyone else and insist on keeping it a secret.

My question is if they are both adults and want to be in this relationship then how come it has to be a secret? If they love each other then shouldn't they want everyone to know how serious they are? I am confused.

Does anyone have any advice to offer me on the best way to deal with my sister? Do I just support her even if I think she will be hurt in the end? Do I tell her how I feel? What would you do?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


filing, yucky crap in keyboard and more thrilling items...

ew i just dumped nasty junk out of my keyboard. yuck! what have people been doing while i was gone. it is alway a trip to come back to your workspace after being gone for a month and find all the interesting things people have left for you. the best part though is i have been able to come in and actually spend time organizing and filing. yippee! (i can't believe how excited i am to file.) i have had a stack of paper that kept growing for about 8 months and i finally was able to spend the time putting everything in its place.
ew there is still so much crap in this keyboard. i just turned it over again and stuff is all over my desktop.
anyway, i am very slow here at work which i am thankful for because it gives me time to re-adjust to the working environment. of course i am spending it reading blogs and writing. time well spent of course.
tonight i am hanging out with a friend of mine who moved to new mexico last august. i have missed her so much and it will be great to see her again.

Monday, January 10, 2005


fresh start

i feel great. this month has offered me a fresh start in my life and i am happy to receive it. i started back to work on the 3rd. getting adjusted to the commute and working full-time after having the month of december off has been interesting. i am working on having a positive attitude and making sure i control my stress by taking breaks and stretching throughout the day. i feel rejuvenated. i have been working on my spirit, soul and body by spending time in daily devotionals and prayer. i am eating healthier and i am more active. taking the light rail in the morning has been more enjoyable because i am using the time to get closer to God. when i am the most depressed is when i am the farthest away from God. not spending time with God daily really drags my spirit down. it is such a small thing, but there are great rewards.

i am taking each day one at a time. learning to let go of the things. when i am unhappy in my life i try to control others. this of course never works and only makes me more unhappy as well as the people in my life. intellectually i know that i am only responsible for myself, but emotionally it is taking longer to learn. i am making improvements everyday.

i am glad to be back blogging and look forward to the future!

Sunday, January 09, 2005


unconscious mutterings - week 101

I say ... and you think ... ?

Pistol:: whip
Rick:: jerk
Full circle:: square
I wish:: to play
Frame:: view
Adult:: work
Photography:: life
Stew:: fume
Cheat:: lose
Brad:: pitt



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