
Wednesday, March 30, 2005


eyes wide open

today i went to the eyes wide open exhibition. they had rows of military boots for each soldier who died in the iraqi war. it was a powerful reminder of the men and women who have died defending peace. i was brought to tears seeing the sacrifices that families have made. i thank the men and women who are currently fighting for our freedom and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. our country would not be free without them.

Monday, March 28, 2005


all about scraps

Lately I have been trying to get more involved with my hobbies. I love to make cards and scrapbooking. I have been short of inspiration lately so I embarked on a web search for new sites.

I found several new blogs that I will be adding to my Kraftie blogroll. My favorite is Scrapability which is a lot of fun. I don't generally find a blog that inspires me to sit and read as much as possible in one setting, but Scrapability definitely does. With links to gallerys full of creative layouts, online projects and classes, Scrapability offers up inspiration with style.

There are also many forums and message boards available to scrappers. One such site that caught my eye is Heavenly Scraps. Heavenly Scraps includes forums for scrapbook discussion, general chat, swaps, games and more. Make sure to check out the design team galleries!

One exciting new resource for crafters who like to sell their craft is Auction Flair. Auction Flair is a new auction site that caters to crafters and charges significantly less then ebay.

For more tips on how to scrapbook visit the Scrapbooking Resource Blog.

Sunday, March 27, 2005


unconscious mutterings - week 112

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. I am waiting:: to move to omaha!
2. Speak:: loudly
3. Roger...:: that
4. Knock knock:: who's there
5. Hybrid:: celebrity rage
6. Can not believe my eyes::
7. Hooked on:: love
8. Pontificate:: pope
9. Slime::...can't say his name!
10. Unwelcome:: same as #9

Thursday, March 24, 2005



my husband told me that he is buying me a new alarm clock. apparently it is this evil thing called clocky. clocky is an alarm clock that moves around the room after you hit snooze. when the alarm goes off again you have to find out where it went before you can turn it off.

i think this is a torture device!


everyday accident

Okay so I am definitely on edge because everything is bothering me.

This article is about a woman who was killed by a bus driver yesterday. She worked in my building and she died doing something I do everyday. I just can't get that thought out of my head.


**complaint department**

**warning: whining and complaining below:

i am so tired. my body just wants to sleep. i am ready to walk out of my job because i have no patience and i am so irritable. i stayed home yesterday and slept the whole day. today it was like swimming upstream just to walk. I went to get on the bus and almost missed the step because I couldn't lift my body. i have been running a temp of 100 for about 3 weeks now. i am still congested. i feel like i am losing any bit of energy i had. i am so over this job. i would quit, but i still haven't got the final word on the move. i need to keep this job until we move. if we find out we aren't moving than i definitely will leave this job. i think i am just tired and anxious about whether or not we are moving. my life is in limbo until we get the final word.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


what scrapbooking item are you?

Okay so I usually try to avoid quizzes, but how can I avoid anything to do with scrapbooking??

You are PAPER!

You are an all natural basic person who likes to
act as a foundation to others. You are willing
to take a backseat in most of your
relationships and let others take the
spotlight, while you show your support and help
them shine! Underneath it all, you are the one
who makes it all happen. You are the focus and
stability in any group, even if you are not the
leader. Others look to you to set the pace and
provide ideas for ways to get things done. But
Paper Beware - sometimes you get a little edgy
with the people who look to you for support and
can give them some papercut remarks that can
hurt their feelings. Remember to watch what you
say, because you are best when leading by

What scrapbooking item are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


working from home

I have always wanted to work at home. Lately I have been researching stay at home possiblilities. One great resource I stumbled upon is WAHM Talk Radio. From this website I discovered Internet Based Moms and An Organized-Life.

Now most of these resources seem to be aimed at mothers which I am not, but I have found the information helpful to anyone who wants a stay at home business.

My problem is I am not sure what kind of business I would want and how long will it take me to make the money necessary to be able to quit my outside job. Most businesses seem to take 2 years to really start earning profits. My goal is to continue my research and hopefully find a business that I am passionate about.

Monday, March 21, 2005


standing firm

I am proud of myself today. I am learning to stand up for myself at work. I have a hard time saying no to new projects which overwhelms me and I can't handle the stress. Today I said "no" to my boss regarding a new project. It was difficult because she kept trying to find ways to make it sound like I should be able to do it, but I stood firm. She eventually came to see how busy I am and she admitted that it is only going to get busier. Yay! I am off the hook!

Go Nedda! Go Nedda! Go Nedda! Okay so I am getting a little carried away!


unconscious mutterings - week 111

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Stink:: nasty
2. Renewal:: revival
3. I remember...:: when...
4. Loneliness:: school
5. Ooooh:: flowers
6. For real:: no way!
7. Titanium:: mineral
8. Get down:: party on
9. Rupture:: explode
10. Dramatic:: my family

Thursday, March 17, 2005



I had a great anniversary. We didn't go out of town or do anything fancy. We just spent the entire day together and had a nice dinner in the evening. So much fun though! We have a blast together and any time we can spend alone is wonderful.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Bear + Nedda - Together Forever!

Today I celebrate my 3rd wedding anniversary.

I love you Bear!

Monday, March 14, 2005


when storms come

"Nobody has a right to say that anything might have been other than what has been. Before a thing has happened, we can say might or might not, but that has to do only with our ignorance. Think what a change, from the dark night and roaring water, to this fullness of sunlight and the bare sands with the water lisping on their edge away there in the distance. Now, troubles will come in life which look as if they would never pass away, just as the night and the storm look as if they would last forever. But the calm and the morning cannot be stayed, and the storm in its very nature is transient. The effort of Nature, as that of the human heart, ever is to return to its repose, for God is peace."

--George MacDonald from The Parish Papers



my weekend flew by fast. I was unfortunately sick all weekend so I just slept. At least I feel well enough to come to work today.

Yesterday, my youngest sister, who i will call k, told me that she wants to move with us to omaha. This is a long story, but i will try to make it short. She has been involved with a guy who is not a great guy. She had broken up with him when we first found out that we could be moving. My hubby and I had decided to let her come with us, but then she got involved with him again. She just got fired from her job of 6 years because she had been spending to much work time with this guy. I guess this past weekend my parents told her that she had to make a choice between her family and this guy. She decided that her family is more important and now she wants to move with us.

not sure i really want to get in the middle of all this. my parents are already unhappy that my hubby and i are moving. they will be furious if k decides to go as well. oh, did i mention that k is 23 so she can do what she wants. i don't know if it is best that she comes and gets away from him or if she stays and has to deal with it face to face. we'll see. the hubby and i are supposed to sit down and discuss everything with her.

hopefully we will be able to work everything out.


unconscious mutterings - week 110

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Shape up:: or ship out
2. New Orleans:: vampires
3. In the bedroom:: sleep
4. All the time:: love
5. Philosophy:: thought
6. Tyler:: baby
7. Disturbed:: confused
8. French kiss:: yummy
9. Solidify:: concrete
10. Furtive:: sneaky

Friday, March 11, 2005


to move or not to move

Wow! What a roller coaster week this has been.

My husband's job told him that it was pretty certain that he would be transferred to NE within the next couple of months. On Tuesday we qualified for a home loan in NE and are in the process to be approved. My hubby had set up a call to the NE manager about the new position. The call actually turned into an interview for the position, not a call to confirm. We now have to wait until next week to see if he even has the job.

Hopefully we will have an answer soon so we can either make plans to move to NE or stay in CA.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


interviewed by Princess Girly Girl

When T Marie at Princess Girly Girl offered up a chance to be interviewed by her I quickly added my name to her list. I knew that if I thought about it for very long I wouldn't take the plunge. So here goes:

1. You've told us that one of your favorite websites is a scrapbooking site. Are you a scrapbooker or just into making cards? How did you become interested in doing what you do?

I love all things surrounding scrapbooking. I love the idea of documenting your life and what is important to you. I love photography and I love the whole creative process involved with scrapbooking.

Unfortunately I don't seem to have the time to truly devote to scrappin' so I spend most of my creative energy making cards for the ones I love. My cards are just mini scrapbooks for my friends and family.

2. Tell me the 5 things you like about living in California. And the 5 things you dislike.

This question is a little harder to answer than I thought it would be. I love living in California because we have great weather and I live only an 1 hour away from snow and skiing and 1 hour away from the ocean. Practically anything you want to do you can do in California.

Reasons on why we are leaving California, well number one would be the prices of real estate. Not many people can afford to buy a house in the Sacramento area. We will be moving to Omaha, Nebraska in a couple of months. A decent sized home in Sacramento goes for $400,000-$500,000 and the same house in Nebraska sells for $130,000. I also dislike the crowding in California. Before long Cali will be one long city. The construction boom is incredible. We keep building further and further into the mountains and spreading closer to San Francisco.

*edit* I was driving to work and thinking about how much I will miss the people of California. I love this state. What other state has the "Govenator?" I definitely will not miss the traffic. Oh Mylanta, my commute this morning to go 10.4 miles was 45 mins. and my total downtown Sac commute, including my ride on the light rail, took 1 1/2 hours. You really only get to go anywhere if you are in the carpool lane, but take it from me they don't consider blow-up dolls people. *edit*

3. How did you meet your husband and what was your most memorable date with him?

I met my husband when I started a new job. We just clicked immediately. Of course till this day I will deny that we were "dating" I know we were "just hanging out." I had no intentions of falling in love and getting married. I just enjoyed hanging out with such a great friend. Well, 3 months later we were officially a couple and 2 months after that we were engaged! A year later, we were married and I have never been happier.

My most memorable date would be when I first realized I like him more than a friend. We were at a movie and I just laid my head on his shoulder and he held my hand.

4. Your faith seems to be an important thing to you, do you believe in angels? Have you experienced any in your own life?

I do believe in angels. I believe that God has placed his angels all around to protect us. There have been a few times that while driving that I was certain we were going to have an accident and somehow we would no longer be in danger. I can't really explain what happened. I just thank God for placing angels around to protect us.

5. In life there always seems to be at least one person who has touched our lives and taught us something that stays with us for a lifetime. Has that person entered your life and if so who is it and how did they make a difference?

My Papa would be this person. He is the most amazing man I have ever had the privilege to know. He loves God with this whole being. He is the most generous man i have ever seen. While growing up I would watch him and my Nana reach out to those in need. Feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, whatever someone needed they would be there to help. I watched him get taken advantage by the people he was trying to help, but it didn't matter to him. He was always there to offer a lending hand to the next person that came along. Even now at 92 years old he is so joyous. Everyday is a new day to give thanks to God and to help someone that may need it. I have never seen this man get mad or bitter. He is such an inspiration to me and to so many other people. He blesses everyone that he comes in contact with. I cherish every day with him.

Well that is all folks! If anyone else would like to get in on the interviews just leave me a comment.


unconscious mutterings - Week 109

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Usher:: lousy singer
2. Cherish:: love and respect
3. Mistreat:: wound
4. Forum:: discussion
5. Systematic:: by the rules
6. Warning:: danger ahead
7. Wash:: clothes
8. I wish:: dream
9. Candles:: ...love them.
10. Metallic:: silver

Saturday, March 05, 2005



I saw this video on An American Perspective and it is too crazy. I can't believe what people will come up with next.

I just came across this great blog Love Lori through a reference from The Fun Times Guide . It is such a sweet blog. What a great guy.


Renee Zelwegger

I know i am really late with the whole Oscars thing.

I was watching E!'s Fashion Police and the video they had of Renee Zelwegger was awful. She looked really sick. This picture doesn't look as bad, but I think she has gotten to skinny. I love her movies, but I am concerned about her health. The super skinny trend is all over Hollywood.

Does this concern anyone else?


new design

i have been remiss in thanking Mia from Ciao! my Bella. She not only created a great design, she put up with me not having a clue on how the design process works! Thanks Mia, for your patience and your wonderful design.

I love it!!

Friday, March 04, 2005



This is my first post about tv and it will look like I watch way more tv than I really do! :) I love tv, but I don't usually get to watch every episode of all the shows I like.

- Martha Stewart is free! I say go girl! Can't wait for your new shows.

-okay so i love Crossing Jordon and I just came across Nigel's Blog . It looks interesting, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet.

-Missed Apprentice last night, but I am glad that Audrey was fired. I haven't really been impressed with her performance.

- I did get a chance to see Law & Order: Trial by Jury. I liked it, but then I like all of the Law & Order shows.

-I enjoy watching America's Next Top Model. I watched the first and third season and enjoyed both both. The start of the fourth cycle and I haven't found anyone that I am impressed with yet.

-I think my favorite show so far this season is Veronica Mars

-My favorite SciFi shows are Stargate SG1 and Stargate Alantis

Thursday, March 03, 2005


don't mess with little old ladies!

my husband forwarded this hilarious link to me. click on it for a great laugh!



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