
Saturday, April 29, 2006

I watched MirrorMask last night and I loved it. It is gorgeous. I really love Dave McKean's work.

Last week I saw V for Vendetta and I really liked it. I ordered the graphic novel and I can't wait to read it.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Today I watched a marathon of a show called "God or the Girl" which focuses on four young men in their twenties who are deciding if they want to become a priest or if they want to get married. First of all I didn't agree with the title. Just because they might choose to get married didn't mean they weren't choosing God. It was more of a choice between the Catholic church and getting married. Of course I am not Catholic and I tend to have real issues with the priesthood, but the show was very cool. I was just impressed with out dedicated these men were to God. Whether or not I agreed with their philosophies didn't keep me for admiring their dedication. These men's lives revolved around God. I didn't agree with some of the things they did. One guy would go with a group of Catholics and protest abortion clinics and hold prayer services outside of strip clubs. That really isn't my thing, but I liked how passionate he was. We all could use a little more passion about our faith in our lives. This same guy built a cross and carried it 22 miles. At first I thought that was crazy! Why would you carry an 80 lb. cross? After watching the process more I saw how much it was about trusting in God to give you strength to do what you need to do in life. Believe me I have no thought of finding a cross and going out myself, but I did see how doing something physical and crazy ended up being a great witnessing tool. If God will give you the strength to do something weird like that then why wouldn't he help you out with more important things in your life. All the guys did different things to help them with their decisions. One guy who is fastidiously clean and neat and is used to the nicer things in life went to Guatemala on a mission trip. It was kind of funny because he was freaking out about everything. He quickly learned that you really have to decide if you are going to follow Christ completely or are you going to do what you want. The third guy decided to go on a 200 mile pilgrimage without any money or material things. My first reaction is why are you living off the kindness of others when you are capable of working and helping support people who really need the help. After watching awhile I could see one benefit and that is being totally quiet and listening for the voice of God. While he walked mile after mile he had plenty of opportunity to pray and talk to God. We are sometimes so busy in our lives that we don't take that opportunity to be completely quiet and really talk to God.

Tonight is the final episode which I will TiVo and find out what their decisions are. The fourth guy already made his decision to not become a priest. I am leaning toward them all not going into the priesthood, but anyway....
The things I will take away from this series are:
1. Really living what you believe
2. Trusting in the Lord wholly and completely
3. Learning to take more time to pray and listen to God

I just found out that one of my friends who is only 33 had a mini stroke. She didn't know who she was for 3 hours. Luckily it was a small one and there isn't any permanent damage.

Oh my hubby and I are back on good terms.

I have been missing church so much. I hadn't been in almost 2 months due to working on Sundays and no church on Wednesdays while we remodeled the sanctuary. I have missed it so much. I got off early so I could go to Easter Sunday service. It was sooo awesome. We had our first Wednesday service this week and I was so excited. Then we had a SFC youth rally on Friday night. I took off work so I could go on Friday. I have gone to more church in the past week and I loved every second.

When I am not able to go to church that is when I have all the crazy drama in my life.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I am so exhausted and emotionally drained.
My husband hasn't talked to me in 4 days.
I have no idea why.
I try to talk to him and he only gives me one word answers.
I had a job interview today.
It was hard to concentrate on doing my best with my heart so heavy.
Clearly I am unable to be the person he wants me to be.
I try, but I don't succeed.
I hate the silent treatment.
I feel like I am being punished, but I have no idea what for.
I just want to grab him and hold tight, but I am afraid this will just push him farther away.
I honestly don't think there is anything in my power that I can do.
It hurts and it's frustratings.
Life shouldn't have to be this way.

Monday, April 17, 2006


unconscious mutters week 167

Week 167

I say ... and you think ... ?

Ambition:: less
Meatloaf:: singer
Celebrity:: lost little girls
Coach:: purse
Slacker:: packer
Reflection:: lost
Original:: copy
Risk:: taker
Saved:: redeemed
June:: travel

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Friday, April 14, 2006


unconscious mutters

Week 166

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Buck:: Rogers
2. Harry:: Potter
3. Play:: again
4. Monstrosity:: life
5. Nightclub:: sad
6. Missing:: teetj
7. Sprout:: kindness
8. Flavor:: taster
9. Identity:: theft
10. Saucy:: mamacita

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I hate where I am at.
Trying to scream, but my mouth is full of water.
Alone in a crowd.
Always fighting.
Never giving up.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Strange News

A one-eyed noseless cat will go on display at a musuem intended to prove creationism. The Lost World Museum opens later this year in Phoenix, N.Y. and will feature such oddities as giant plants and eggs, deformed animal remains and unique archaeological finds.

John Adolfi, the museum's creator, says that these oddities are what prove that there are no positive mutation as evolutions states.

You can read the article here.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I tend to spend more time surfing other blogs then actually maintaining my own. It seems to be a habit I just can't break. Here are two new blogs that I just found today and I have enjoyed reading.

First up we have State of Grace. Grace's heading says that she has been blogging since 2004, mothering since 1991 and a badass for 50 years. Definitely check Grace out, she is a ton of fun for a parental type anyway. :)

Grace led me to Jim's blog Patriside. He is currently running Mixmania. A CD swap where you mix a CD, mail it off to a random blogger on the list and receive a CD from another random blogger. This time the theme is Evil. Sounds like a fun way to connect with other bloggers.

So...since I don't have anything interesting going on, check out these two bloggers who have everything goin' on.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Thanks a lot Jessica Simpson!!

My advice, don't forget your wedding ring when you leave the house!

Last week I went to dinner with a few of my girlfriends. We were meeting at this little hidden Mexican restaurant over on Fourth Street. I hummed along to a Garbage cd, well more like yelled along with Shirley. As I drove I couldn't help but notice how the sun peeked through the clouds. The rays hit perfectly and reminded my of how my diamond sparkles. Let me just tell you, I love my ring. My husband picked out the perfect ring for me without ever seeing exactly what I wanted. I about fainted when he proposed to me, not because he was proposing, but because of the gorgeous ring. As I was saying, I was watching the sun rays shooting through the clouds and thought diamonds are perfect. I know, I know diamonds and the sun? Well they both sparkle and shine and both bring light to an otherwise dreary day. I held up my hand to admire, once again, my perfect ring and I realized I wasn't wearing it. I almost had a heart attack. I grabbed my chest with my right hand and held up my left hand in horror. Of course, this meant there were no hands on the wheel. After almost running off the road and surviving a heart attack, I calmed down. I remembered that my ring was on my nightstand so by the time I arrived at the restaurant I had almost forgotten I wasn't wearing my ring.

I love my girlfriends! Treece, Amelia and I are completely different, but we all get along great. When I first arrived, the three of us could not stop talking. You would have thought we hadn't seen each other in 10 years rather than just 2 hours ago. I couldn't wait to tell the girls about my latest adventure with the hubby, but first I had to explain the absence of the ring. I didn't realize it would be such a big deal, but apparently not wearing your wedding ring means you and your husband are fighting. I had to explain over and over that I had just forgotten it and my relationship was great. Later that evening we ran into some old friends, Matt and Gina, at the Coffee Bean. Gina's first words were "I am so sorry about you and your husband." I didn't understand what she was talking about until I saw both of them staring at my ring less finger.

As I said...

Thanks a lot Jessica Simpson!!

Is this a problem for you?


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