
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Today I watched a marathon of a show called "God or the Girl" which focuses on four young men in their twenties who are deciding if they want to become a priest or if they want to get married. First of all I didn't agree with the title. Just because they might choose to get married didn't mean they weren't choosing God. It was more of a choice between the Catholic church and getting married. Of course I am not Catholic and I tend to have real issues with the priesthood, but the show was very cool. I was just impressed with out dedicated these men were to God. Whether or not I agreed with their philosophies didn't keep me for admiring their dedication. These men's lives revolved around God. I didn't agree with some of the things they did. One guy would go with a group of Catholics and protest abortion clinics and hold prayer services outside of strip clubs. That really isn't my thing, but I liked how passionate he was. We all could use a little more passion about our faith in our lives. This same guy built a cross and carried it 22 miles. At first I thought that was crazy! Why would you carry an 80 lb. cross? After watching the process more I saw how much it was about trusting in God to give you strength to do what you need to do in life. Believe me I have no thought of finding a cross and going out myself, but I did see how doing something physical and crazy ended up being a great witnessing tool. If God will give you the strength to do something weird like that then why wouldn't he help you out with more important things in your life. All the guys did different things to help them with their decisions. One guy who is fastidiously clean and neat and is used to the nicer things in life went to Guatemala on a mission trip. It was kind of funny because he was freaking out about everything. He quickly learned that you really have to decide if you are going to follow Christ completely or are you going to do what you want. The third guy decided to go on a 200 mile pilgrimage without any money or material things. My first reaction is why are you living off the kindness of others when you are capable of working and helping support people who really need the help. After watching awhile I could see one benefit and that is being totally quiet and listening for the voice of God. While he walked mile after mile he had plenty of opportunity to pray and talk to God. We are sometimes so busy in our lives that we don't take that opportunity to be completely quiet and really talk to God.

Tonight is the final episode which I will TiVo and find out what their decisions are. The fourth guy already made his decision to not become a priest. I am leaning toward them all not going into the priesthood, but anyway....
The things I will take away from this series are:
1. Really living what you believe
2. Trusting in the Lord wholly and completely
3. Learning to take more time to pray and listen to God


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