
Saturday, April 30, 2005


humorous mail art

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One of my assignments in my mail art class was to create a humorous postcard. I found this image which I thought was to0 cute and so me that I had to use it for my postcard. I have decided not to send it to anyone in my class.

If you would like to receive this postcard please send me an email with your address


traveling book

i released another book on bookcrossing.com. I can't wait to see if someone logs it in!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


thought bubbles

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my current playlist
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I feel horrible. My boss was not happy with a vendor of ours so she told me to cancel our order. I was to say we were out of money. When I apologized to the vendor for all her hard work she said oh it is okay at least you didn't go to someone else. Ouch! We are going with someone else. I am scum!
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Buried or Burned

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Yesterday I visited the grave site of my great-grandmother and my cousin. It was an interesting experience. Neither myself or my family has been there in so long. It took me awhile, but I finally found them.

My visit has me questioning if I want to be buried. The condition of some of the grave stones were awful. Some were sunken into the ground, some were almost broke in half, and some were so covered in grass you couldn't really see them. My relatives sites were both in good condition, but it doesn't matter since we never visit them.

I always thought I wanted to be buried, but now I am not so sure. Growing up everyone I knew was buried, now it seems that cremation is more of an option.
I thought I would want a place to go and visit, but I think that was just a romantic notion fueled by movies I have seen. I certainly haven't put that thought into action!

So as of now I am leaning toward not being buried, but who knows!
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Traveling book

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Released about 2 days ago (4/25/2005 10:00:00 AM BX time) at Light Rail Train at Watt/I80 in Sacramento, California USA.

Go find it and other books at BookCrossing.com


My To Do List

Thanks Michelle for this idea.

Art Journal Class
- create cover
- create first weeks entry
- week one Spark "books" entry
- week two "risk" entry
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Mail Art:
- Create: Class 11 - envelope book
- Create: Class 12 - unique object (have items just need to assemble)
- Create: Class 13 - reproduced art
- Post: Class 12
- Post: Class 13
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- waiting for address to mail to
- Create Cover
- started first page
- created first entry
- need to complete 2-3 more pages
- Contact moderator for a journal number and address to send journal to
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- Complete CD project
- Blog entries
- Add more books to bookcrossing.com
- track down traveling books in my area

Monday, April 25, 2005


Week 116 - unconscious mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Detachment:: aloneness
2. Regard:: wonder
3. Community:: art
4. Strike three:: you're out
5. Congregation:: church
6. Generous:: giving
7. Pretention:: fraud
8. Pregnant:: pause
9. Drinking:: hydrating
10. Brilliance:: diamond

Saturday, April 23, 2005


doggy love

my current dog, peaches, is a poodle who loves my husband. my dog from my childhood was a wiener dog named cleo who lived to be quite old.

last night i dreamed about my dog peaches, but she looked like cleo. in the dream she acted crazy like the real peaches and she loved my husband, but she was a wiener doggy just like my cleo. it was so weird.

Friday, April 22, 2005


deja vu

lately i have been feeling such a sense of deja vu. maybe it has something to do with starting a journal for the 1000_journals project. It reminds me of 6 years ago when i kept a journal similar to this new one. today i went to a coffee shop and sat outside with a chai and read a magazine. it reminded me of my best friend during that same period of time. we aren't friends any more. i guess we just drifted apart. today was the first time in a long time that i missed her. a lot of the feelings i had back then have come back. my body image issues just came rushing over me again. i would have thought in 6 years there would have been improvements instead of losing more ground.
even though i have gotten married and my daily life is so different i still feel the same. i keep trying to shake it off. it's just a weird feeling.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


sweet valley

I bought my very first issue of Bust magazine tonight. I couldn't resist when I saw their article about the Wakefield twins of Sweet Valley. I grew up on all things Sweet Valley. I first started with Sweet Valley Twins, then Sweet Valley High and of course Sweet Valley University. I read every book as soon as they were released. I spent all my money on buying the newest book. I used to have to hide my Sweet Valley High books from my mother because she felt they were to old for a thirteen year old. I had to try to satisfy my interest with the Sweet Valley Twins series where the twins were in junior high. The twins lives seemed so glamourous and exciting to me. I so wanted to be Jessica. As I grew older I graduated to the "High" series and then on to the "University" series.

I didn't know that Francine Pascal had released a "Senior Year" series. Now I feel like I missed out on a whole year of Sweet Valley. Maybe I will go check these out of the library. :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005



I have been receiving some lovely mail art. I have created a gallery for viewing .

I joined LiveJournals 1000_journals project so I need to start my journal soon.

I also just mailed off my digi scrapped cards for the Spring Birthday Card Swap.

It looks like I am going to be pretty busy in the next few weeks.

I love it!

Sunday, April 17, 2005



My husband and I had a nice relaxing weekend with my mil out of town.

Well, she's back!!!

I am so over this living arrangement. If our move doesn't come through soon I am going to explode and it won't be pretty.


unconscious mutterings-week 115

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Great escape:: moving to Omaha
2. Cluster:: family
3. Wrong place, wrong time:: uh, oh!
4. Guided:: tour
5. Forensics:: Scarpetta
6. Pros:: expert
7. Safety deposit box:: secure
8. Quadrant:: area
9. Precisely:: exactly
10. Who are you?: Who am I?

Thursday, April 14, 2005


weekly roundup

I know, I know all I have been talking about is my Mail Art class. I can't help it. I am having so much fun. Other than that my week has been pretty crazy with off-site meetings at work. Lots of work goes into those events. Running around, screaming at people (okay not really, well maybe a little)and coming home exhausted. The fun thing about this class is even though I am exhausted at the end of the day I still get so excited and I have to complete my project of the day. Unfortunately, I am now behind on all my regular work. Oh well, I will eventually catch up (hopefully!)

listening to -- shirley manson's personal picks playlist

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


junk mail

Today's In the Post class assignment
was to take a junk mail envelope and turn it inside to create your mail art. Once we decorated it we wrote a letter about the moment we discovered art.

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I am disappointed in my efforts for this assignment. I love the inside, but the outside doesn't make me happy. I went with a childlike theme for the outside, but failed to mention this in the letter. Oh Well! I mailed it anyway since I decided not to censor myself with this class!

So far I am enjoying learning a new art form. This class has been so much fun and messy too!

Monday, April 11, 2005


mail art

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i joined shimelle's "it's in the post" class. today we received our first project which was to create a postcard. I chose collage as my technique and i think it turned out great. i am looking forward to the rest of the projects.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


unconscious mutterings - week 114

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Horrendous:: awful
2. Home video:: memories
3. What a girl wants:: ipod
4. Grounded:: trouble
5. Trusting:: God
6. Simplistic:: life
7. Buzz:: kill
8. Balcony:: view
9. Roar:: lion
10. Hooker:: steve

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


commuting blues

This and this is the reason I love the light rail and wish I didn't have to drive at all.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005



this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, April 04, 2005



I decided that I need to find out what my passion is. I do not enjoy my current job and I need to figure out what kind of career I would love to have. Today I started a book called The Pathfinder by Nicholas Lore. It helps you choose what career is best for you using a series of exercises. I am linking my first completed exercise. It was a little harder to complete then I expected, but I got a good start.

Looking forward to reading more and continuing the exercises.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


week 113 - unconscious mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Renewal:: revive
2. Someone to talk to:: hubby
3. Count:: spell
4. Expiration:: do not eat!!
5. Upload:: download
6. Publish:: opinion
7. Holy:: Lord God Almighty
8. Change in the air:: something good is coming
9. Titillating:: sexy
10. Glorious:: sex

Friday, April 01, 2005


visit the....

website of the day which explains my mood perfectly.


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