
Sunday, March 06, 2005


interviewed by Princess Girly Girl

When T Marie at Princess Girly Girl offered up a chance to be interviewed by her I quickly added my name to her list. I knew that if I thought about it for very long I wouldn't take the plunge. So here goes:

1. You've told us that one of your favorite websites is a scrapbooking site. Are you a scrapbooker or just into making cards? How did you become interested in doing what you do?

I love all things surrounding scrapbooking. I love the idea of documenting your life and what is important to you. I love photography and I love the whole creative process involved with scrapbooking.

Unfortunately I don't seem to have the time to truly devote to scrappin' so I spend most of my creative energy making cards for the ones I love. My cards are just mini scrapbooks for my friends and family.

2. Tell me the 5 things you like about living in California. And the 5 things you dislike.

This question is a little harder to answer than I thought it would be. I love living in California because we have great weather and I live only an 1 hour away from snow and skiing and 1 hour away from the ocean. Practically anything you want to do you can do in California.

Reasons on why we are leaving California, well number one would be the prices of real estate. Not many people can afford to buy a house in the Sacramento area. We will be moving to Omaha, Nebraska in a couple of months. A decent sized home in Sacramento goes for $400,000-$500,000 and the same house in Nebraska sells for $130,000. I also dislike the crowding in California. Before long Cali will be one long city. The construction boom is incredible. We keep building further and further into the mountains and spreading closer to San Francisco.

*edit* I was driving to work and thinking about how much I will miss the people of California. I love this state. What other state has the "Govenator?" I definitely will not miss the traffic. Oh Mylanta, my commute this morning to go 10.4 miles was 45 mins. and my total downtown Sac commute, including my ride on the light rail, took 1 1/2 hours. You really only get to go anywhere if you are in the carpool lane, but take it from me they don't consider blow-up dolls people. *edit*

3. How did you meet your husband and what was your most memorable date with him?

I met my husband when I started a new job. We just clicked immediately. Of course till this day I will deny that we were "dating" I know we were "just hanging out." I had no intentions of falling in love and getting married. I just enjoyed hanging out with such a great friend. Well, 3 months later we were officially a couple and 2 months after that we were engaged! A year later, we were married and I have never been happier.

My most memorable date would be when I first realized I like him more than a friend. We were at a movie and I just laid my head on his shoulder and he held my hand.

4. Your faith seems to be an important thing to you, do you believe in angels? Have you experienced any in your own life?

I do believe in angels. I believe that God has placed his angels all around to protect us. There have been a few times that while driving that I was certain we were going to have an accident and somehow we would no longer be in danger. I can't really explain what happened. I just thank God for placing angels around to protect us.

5. In life there always seems to be at least one person who has touched our lives and taught us something that stays with us for a lifetime. Has that person entered your life and if so who is it and how did they make a difference?

My Papa would be this person. He is the most amazing man I have ever had the privilege to know. He loves God with this whole being. He is the most generous man i have ever seen. While growing up I would watch him and my Nana reach out to those in need. Feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, whatever someone needed they would be there to help. I watched him get taken advantage by the people he was trying to help, but it didn't matter to him. He was always there to offer a lending hand to the next person that came along. Even now at 92 years old he is so joyous. Everyday is a new day to give thanks to God and to help someone that may need it. I have never seen this man get mad or bitter. He is such an inspiration to me and to so many other people. He blesses everyone that he comes in contact with. I cherish every day with him.

Well that is all folks! If anyone else would like to get in on the interviews just leave me a comment.

Just wanted to say thanks for leaving a comment on my blog today and supporting Greyhound Rescue & Rehab!
Very interesting interview...kudos to the person coming up with the questions as well.
I am a scrapbooker too, at least I am when I have the free time!

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