
Sunday, March 26, 2006

I have a thought that I can't seem to get rid off.
I tried to ignore it, but months later it keeps coming back.
I don't know why this seems so important to me, but I decided I should write it down. The thought that keeps coming to mind is what exactly do I need to survive?
Strip it all down.
What items do you need to make it in this world?
If you had to carry everything on your back, what would you have?

I would have...
one top
one skirt
2-3 pairs of underwear
one pair of shoes
2 pairs of socks
journal and pen
one book (not sure which one)

If I were going on vacation or even away for the weekend, I would have so many other items, clothes, shoes, beauty products, lots of books, etc.

What really seems to be bothering me is the material things I hold so dear.
I can't go very long without buying a new book or magazine.
I love my cable internet and nice computer.
I am never very far away from my cable tv.
I hoard art suplies.

To be honest I need to get back to the basics of life.
If I had to leave today would I even take my scrapbooks or photo albums?
I love my family and friends, but they will always be with me regardless of if I have their pictures with me.
I can't handle the thought of not having at least a photo or two.
I need tangible to hold on to. Just a few photos would be all I need.

Could I really leave all my stuff behind?
I am a collector and my life tends to be cluttered.
If I were to rid myself of all my physical belongings, would my mind be any less cluttered?

You'd be surprised at how much releasing clutter releases your mind. I'm steadily working on getting rid of my clutter...I look around and wonder how in the world I collected this much stuff in so short of time. From just what I've gotten rid of it seems like I can breathe a little easier.
I definitely think I need to clean house, literally.
I have tons of stuff I could get rid of and maybe make some money. :)
I hope that I will be able to work on it this weekend.
Clean house, clean mind and maybe even cleaned up finances, that would be nice.

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